We have come to rely on Miller welding equipment over the years
because it has served us well. Our line-up includes:
Our largest, is the Synchrowave 500 amp for heavy TIG welding
applications, ( which we have used on aluminum up to 1 1/2 "
thick using 3/16” thick tungsten!!).
Our smallest, is the Maxstar 150 STH which we use for the
lightest,delicate TIG welding operations.
Units in between include 3 of the latest machines:
The Dynasty 200 for complete digital arc control for perfect TIG
welds and the 350P MIG with the latest digital pulsing for
excellent MIG welds and the Millermatic 211 for better control on
lighter materials.
Our 5’ X 16’ Platten welding table ensures flat assemblies with
flexible clamping ability.